Life empowered by
Personalized Health Guidance and Navigation for Your Population: From Early Detection to Ongoing Support and Evidence-Based Care Management.

Solutions for
Who we work with...
Who we work with...
We work with organizations dedicated to enhancing the health and well-being of their employees and members.
Are you seeking to do the same? If so, let's guide your population to optimize their health, including genetic screenings and cancer navigation, and prioritize early detection, prevention, and effective treatment.

Why we're doing it...
Why we're doing it...
At Genomic Life, we feel everyone deserves to live their best life. But living a happy healthy life isn't always easy.
We decided to take stand! How? We assembled experts in the field of genomics, cancer navigation, employee benefits, technology, and design to provide easy access to ongoing guidance, genetic screenings, and personalized cancer navigation.

The figures are
The figures are
Daily new cancer diagnoses in the United States.
– American Cancer Society
The financial strain on employees is substantial, with the National Cancer Institute (NCI) estimating the average cost per patient $43,516 for initial care and $109,727 in the last year of life.
– National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Roughly 3 million individuals in the United States are believed to carry pathogenic variants that elevate their susceptibility to certain types of heart disease and cancer.
– Khoury and Dotson (2021)
The first step doesn't have to be the hardest.
The first step doesn't have to be the hardest.
Get in touch with a Genomic Life expert to discover the ideal solution for your business!